Man Accused of Dating 35 Women Simultaneously to Fraudulently Obtain Birthday Gifts

Takashi meeting with one of his women

A 39-year-old Japanese man named Takashi Miyagawa has been accused of dating 35 different women simultaneously in order to receive numerous birthday gifts worth hundreds of pounds.

Miyagawa allegedly gave each of the women he was dating a different birthday date, claiming he wanted to pursue a serious relationship with them. This allowed him to collect multiple birthday presents from the various women he was seeing at the same time.

Miyagawa is accused of receiving a total of 100,000 yen (£668) worth of birthday cards and gifts from the women he was dating, including a £200 suit.

Eventually, the women realized they were all being scammed by Miyagawa and formed a victims association before reporting him to the police in February, 2021.

Miyagawa has now been arrested on suspicion of fraud based on the accusations made by the group of women.

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